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Intro to Digital Marketing + Personal Branding
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- Part 1: Digital MarketingIntro: Introduction to Digital Marketing
- Lesson 1: Dead/Inactive Websites
- Lesson 2: Revenue vs. Marketing
- Lesson 3: Ascension Model
- Lesson 4: Types of Funnels and Metrics part 1
- Lesson 5: Types of Funnels and Metrics Part 2
- Lesson 6: 6 Types of Marketing
- Lesson 7: Push Marketing / Facebook
- Lesson 8: Pull Marketing / Google
- Lesson 9: Search Engine Optimization
- Lesson 10: Social Media
- Lesson 11: Cold Email, Call and Dm-ing
- Lesson 12: In-Person Outreach
- Lesson 13: Permission Marketing
- Lesson 14: Conclusion and Highlights
- Part 2: Building a personal brandLesson 1: Introduction to Personal Branding
- Lesson 2: Define your values
- Lesson 3: Find your Why
- Lesson 4: Choose your niche
- Lesson 5: The importance of connecting with your target customers
- Lesson 6: Define your image of your target customers